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Another coating advancement!

Congratulations to our world-leading R&D team, who recently developed a superior coating formulation that addressed the critical issues experienced by our client.

Led by formulation chemist James Pringle, the R&D team was tasked with developing a coating that would significantly improve abrasion resistance, application consistency, and bonding strength.

The project focused on enhancing the client’s coating to meet stringent performance standards, particularly in high-demand, industrial environments involving both manual and robotic handling.

The new coating surpassed previous formulations in all key performance metrics, offering our client a more resilient and efficient solution, capable of withstanding the demands of modern production.

The James Durrans Group remains at the forefront of coatings technology through dedicated R&D, technical expertise, and teams that truly care.

Thank you to all involved!

Technical advancement for the James Durrans Group

We are pleased to announce a significant tech investment at the James Durrans Group, with the recent installation of a state-of-the-art Panalytical X-ray Diffraction machine.

Over the past few months, we have been working in collaboration with The University of Sheffield to explore the capabilities of their Malvern Panalytical equipment, and more recently, we made the decision to integrate this advanced technology into our operations.

Our R&D and QC teams have reported that the early results have exceeded expectations, delivering enhanced capabilities and substantial enhancements to our processes.

The Panalytical Aeris machine offers precise X-ray structural analysis, enabling forensic analytics of coatings, insulating carbons, and crystallite sizes. By leveraging X-ray diffraction technology, we can accurately compare material properties against an extensive database, further improving the precision and quality of our work.

This investment reinforces our commitment to innovation and excellence, positioning the James Durrans Group at the forefront of technological advancements within the advanced manufacturing sector.

We extend our appreciation to the teams at Sheffield University for their continued guidance and support!

The James Durrans Group’s latest laboratory investment is unveiled!

We are excited to share that the James Durrans Group has made a significant investment in a new, state-of-the-art laboratory facility, further strengthening our commitment to innovation and excellence in materials science. This cutting-edge lab is equipped with the latest technology, providing our teams with enhanced capabilities for research, testing, and product development.

Our new lab will play a critical role in improving the precision and quality of our analysis, particularly in the development of advanced carbon materials and refractory products. By investing in modern equipment and expanding our technical expertise, we are positioning the James Durrans Group to meet the growing demands of our global clients and ensure the continued delivery of world-class products.

This investment underscores our ongoing focus on research and devolpment, ensuring that we remain at the forefront of technological advancements in our industry. Our goal is to push the boundaries of what's possible, enhancing both our product range and the value we deliver to our customers.

At the James Durrans Group, we believe in driving progress through continuous improvement and innovation - and this new lab is a testament to that commitment.

Carbon International Trading (Pty) Ltd/Sasolburg/ZA - 5. Firmenjubiläum

Carbon International Trading (Pty) Ltd, unsere südafrikanische Niederlassung in Sasolburg, kann nun auf 5 Jahre erfolgreiches Firmenbestehen zurückblicken und möchte allen, die zu diesem Erfolg beigetragen haben, seinen besonderen Dank aussprechen. Lesen Sie dazu einen interessanten Artikel aus der südafrikanischen Fachzeitschrift "sa castings". 


Zukunft Guss - Transformation, Nachwuchs, Technik lautete das diesjährige Motto der Veranstaltung mit mehr als 600 Teilnehmern und 25 Fachvorträgen, die Unternehmen aufzeigten, dass es auch zukünftig viele Möglichkeiten gibt, in der Branche erfolgreich zu bleiben. Bei näherem Interesse, lesen Sie hier weiter (GIESSEREI Fachzeitschrift Ausgabe 05/2024). 


Zertifizierung nach ISO 45001:2018

Wir freuen uns, Ihnen heute mitteilen zu können, dass die Niederlassungen James Durrans & Sons und Carbon International nach einem sechstägigen Audit erfolgreich die ISO 45001:2008-Zertifizierung (Arbeitsschutzmanagement) erhalten haben.

Diese Akkreditierung bescheinigt, dass wir über ein leistungsfähiges Managementsystem im Hinblick auf Gesundheit und Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz verfügen, welches der anerkannten internationalen Norm entspricht. Dies ist die Bestätigung unseres dauerhaften Engagements in Bezug auf die Sicherheit und Gesundheit all unserer Mitarbeiter bei der Arbeit.

Durrans at CastExpo 2022: Future Directions in Metalcasting

Durrans auf dem Deutschen Gießereitag 2022 in Münster

Wir bedanken uns für die interessanten Gespräche auf dem DGT und freuen uns schon auf die nächste Veranstaltung mit Ihnen! Ihr Durrans-Team  

BENTONIT für Grünsand-Anwendungen.. Diverse Mischungen auf Anfrage!

Wunschgemäß freuen wir uns Ihnen heute die sofortige Verfügbarkeit unserer neu aufgenommenen Produktreihe BENTONIT und BENTONIT-Formulierugen verkünden zu können. Sollten wir Ihr Interesse geweckt haben, stehen Ihnen unsere fachkundigen Servicemitarbeiter jederzeit gerne mit Rat und Tat zur Seite. Ihr Durrans-Team

2021: Durrans-Coatings in Thailand – Production will start soon

In June 2019 the James Durrans Group is pleased to announce the signing of a licensing agreement with Pine-Pacific Corporation Ltd. in Thailand. Pine-Pacific have built a new coating plant in Bangkok, which will enable refractory coating development to adapt and meet the constantly everchanging requirements of the foundry industry.

2020: Feasibility programme for new manufacturing site

We are pleased to formally announce that funding has been approved through the Advanced Propulsion Centre (APC) to allow us to further our feasiblity programme for installing a 30,000 TPA anode-grade synthetic graphite manufacturing facility in the UK.

2020: 3. Formstoff-Forum 2020 in Munich

Durrans attends the 3. Formstoff-Forum in Munich and is looking forward you your visit at this event!

2019: Durrans at GIFA 2019

After 5 successful „trade days“ the James Durrans Group could draw another positive balance. Through the present professional staff and many employees from all over the world, the Group was able to increase the number of visitors further compared to 2015.

Of particular note is the steadily growing worldwide expansion of Durrans. Through the cooperation with SASOL, one of the world’s largest energy groups and specialist in the liquefaction of hard coal, and the construction of a shaft kiln calcination plant in Sasolburg, South Africa, we’ve expanded our product portfolio with Procarb SG for the benefit of our customers.

Further, the Group is pleased to announce the signing of a licencing agreement between James Durrans and Sons Ltd and Pine Pacific Corporation, Thailand.

With the growing importance of the Thai foundry industry and with the intention to provide the highest level of focused service to the local foundries needs, Mr Ithinai and his team at Pine took the view that a purpose-built foundry coating production facility would be their next logical step in both expanding their service based business and complementing current production. It is envisaged that the facility will provide a fast route for new developments and adaptions to meet the ever-changing needs with the foundry community.

Finally, the exhibition was a full success for the James Durrans Group and the team is already looking forward to the next Gifa, most likely in 2023. We want to thank all of those who supported our appearance with logistics and other help!

2019: Durrans at EuroBrake 2019

In 2019, EuroBrake will return to the International Congress Centre, 
Dresden, Germany, an interconnected hub for both industry and 
research, from 21 - 23 May.

Featuring more than 120 technical presentations and 100 international
exhibitors, EuroBrake attracts a global audience of engineers, scientists, 
academics and executives from the industries of passenger car, 
commercial vehicle, rail, aerospace and the wider industrial sectors. 

2019: Durrans at IFEX 2019

MPM Durrans attended IFEX 2019 in Greater Noida / India. We would like to say thankyou to everyone who visited us at our stand!

2018: Successful renewal of ISO certifications for Durrans GmbH

On 05.12.2018, James Durrans GmbH successfully completed the re-certification audit 
according to ISO 14001 : 2015 environmental management and ISO 9001 : 2015 quality management by Lloyd's Register Deutschland GmbH. Click here to see the certificates.

2018: Ledebur Colloquium in Freiberg – review & presentation

In recent years, this event has established itself as a meeting place for experts who want to take the opportunity to exchange experiences and learn about new research and development trends in the foundry industry.

We hope that the presentation given by our Mr. Andreas Jentsch was interesting for all our visitors. We look forward to your feedback and have pleasure in answering upcoming questions. Here you have the opportunity to view the presentation in English.

2018: Durrans attended WFC in Krakow/Poland from 24th -26th Sept 2018 / Motto: Creative Foundry

The World Foundry Congress is one of the most important events of the foundry sector and is 
also an excellent occasion for exchanging knowledge and experiences, the newest 
achievements and innovations.

The 73rd World Foundry Congress was held with the motto ‚Creative Foundry‚ with following 
topic areas: 

Thematic blocks:

  • Materials
  • Technologies
  • Digitalisation
  • Management
  • Ecology

Included was also a day trip to the foundry exhibition in Kielce.

2018: Durrans at EuroBrake in The Hague, NL from 22nd-24th May 2018

After a successful event in The Hague, NL in 2018, EuroBrake will return to the International Congress Centre, Dresden, Germany, an interconnected hub for both industry and research, from 21 - 23 May 2019. It should focus on a topic that is significant within the braking and friction industries, as well as science and academia.

In 2018, an entire day of EuroBrake was dedicated to worldwide rail braking technology, parallel to other sessions, which proved to be very popular.

Following this success, a series of innovative rail sessions will return to 2019, which will bring together global experts from some of the world’s leading organisations. New to 2019, there will also be a special focus on intelligent braking and controls.

2018: Metal & Metallurgy China from 16th - 19th May 2018

We were pleased to meet so many interested visitors on our booth and would like to thank you for all the interesting discussions during the fair!

Please click here for the end show report.

Your Durrans Team

2018: Große Gießereitechnische Tagung 2018, April 26 – 27, 2018 in Salzburg / Österreich

Die Tagung wurde von mehr als 800 Teilnehmern unterschiedlicher Branchen besucht und war somit für alle ein voller Erfolg. Es war uns auch eine Freude, viele unserer
Geschäftspartner getroffen zu haben. Namhafte Vortragende aus Wissenschaft und Praxis gaben in den Vorträgen Einblicke in neueste Entwicklungen und praxisbezogene
Im Rahmen der begleitenden Fachausstellung präsentieren Firmen ihre neuesten Produkte und Dienstleistungen. Der Gießerabend am Salzburger Flughafen gab allen
Teilnehmern die Möglichkeit zur Reflektion der Veranstaltung und zur Kontaktpflege in ungezwungener Atmosphäre.

2018: Formstoff-Forum 2018 in Aachen

Am 7. und 8. März fand das 2. Formstoff-Forum 2018 statt, Tagungsort war dieses Mal die RWTH Aachen. Der Erfolg des im Jahr 2016 veranstalteten 1. Formstoff-Forums als
Nachfolger der bekannten Duisburger Formstofftage gab dem Konzept recht, dass eine eigenständige wissenschaftliche Tagung zum Themenkreis Formstoffe und Formver-
fahren sehr wichtig für unsere Branche ist. Die zweite Auflage des neuen Formstoff-Forums verließ nun erstmalig die bekannte Tagungsstätte in Duisburg, um zukünftig
zwischen den deutschen Hochschulstandorten zu wechseln. Fast 500 Teilnehmer folgten der Einladung der Veranstalter nach Aachen, um eine Fülle von Vorträgen
zu den Themen bentonitgebundene Formstoffe, Simulation und 3D-Druck oder Formgrundstoffe, anorganische Binder und organische Bindersysteme, Entkernverhalten
oder Regenerierung zu hören. In Teil 1 derÜbersicht werden zunächst die Kurzfassungen der Vorträge zu den Schwerpunkten bentonitgebundene Formstoffe und anorganische

Binder vorgestellt. (Quelle: